Title : Rebound, Pt. II Pairing : K/7 , D/7, P/T , and a touch of J/C for the die hard 'shippers. :) Rating : PG Archive : Seventh Heaven. Others, please ask. Summary : Harry pieces together the past week or so and attends a wedding. Feedback : Yes please Disclaimer 1 : Paramount and Viacom own all things Voyager and Trek. I'm just borrowing their toys. I'll return them when I'm done.......honest. Disclaimer 2 : The song " How Deep Is Your Love " belongs to the BeeGees and was written by Barry Gibb. Again, I am just borrowing it for the story. " Rebound, Pt. II " Chief Of Operations Log : Supplemental : I guess I can't sleep. By the chronometer, it seems that I slept for two hours. Maybe my body just needed a nap. Anyway, since I'm up for the time being, I'll finish my log. It wasn't too long after my argument with Seven that they found a cordical node for her : It was Icheb's, << Harry pauses and chuckles >> I have to give that young man nods for ingenuity. What he did was risky and crazy, but I can't fault him for his nobility. Anyway, even after both Seven and Icheb had recuperated - She and I still hadn't spoken unless it was work related. In a way I was still angry at her and at myself. It was so trivial. Such a trivial argument. Yet, it still managed to throw a rift in our friendship. Then I met Irina. What can I say about her ? She was everything Seven wasn't. She was funny, she liked what Seven calls my " idle chatter " and responded in some of her own. Irina wasn't afraid to smile or participate in irrelevant activities. Well, everyone knows how THAT turned out. All Irina really stands for is keeping herself and her people as far away from others as they can possibly get. I mean, she didn't even care who she hurt ! I guess I'd be more upset about it if I were emotionally involved with her ; but the truth is, I wasn't. Sure, I liked her << He chuckles ruefully, then corrects himself >> I liked who she pretended to be. But I wasn't in love with her or anything. I'm no councilor, but I think I became interested in her because she was different from Seven. The only two people in love and not afraid to show it was Tom and B'Elanna. And what a wedding that was......... " How's my tie, " Tom asked Harry, wiggling it back and forth. It was the fourth consecutive time he'd asked in a two minute period. " It's still straight Tom. Turning back and forth to the mirror hasn't made it get crooked, " he teased. " I just want it to be right. " " Why are we wearing these strange suits anyway ? " " They're called tuxedos. " " Whatever, " he answered , checking his own tie, " I look like a penguin. " " This was the appropriate attire at weddings in the 20th century. B'Elanna and I wanted an unconventional wedding. " Harry laughed, " A half Klingon former Maquis and a human convict isn't unconventional enough ? " " We just wanted to pull out all the stops, " he answered with a laugh of his own. " How you got everyone to agree to this attire I'll never know. But you know what, " he said, putting on his jacket, " they don't look so bad once they're on. " " That's the spirit, Harry. " " You should see B'Elanna. She looks beautiful in that dress . " " I'll see her soon enough, old buddy, " he clapped Harry on the shoulder, " Are you sure my tie is straight ? " Log : The ceremony itself was in the holodeck. Tom had it programmed to look like a church of some kind. I guess he got the idea from some old shows he'd been watching on his television set. B'Elanna says they're called soap operas, but Tom vehemently denies it. The details were downright phenomenal anyhow, and he never said it, but I think he had this planned for a while. He just didn't tell anyone until he could ask B'Elanna to marry him and have her agree. It was surreal to see everyone in attire from the 20th century, but we'd done it before. Well, some of us have......... Tom stood at the front of the church taking slow deep breaths. He'd been through hell and back in his lifetime, and it paled in comparison to the jitters he was now feeling. Harry stood by him as his best man, scanning the church and marveling at everyone's attire and the accuracy of Tom's program. The Captain stood with them. She would preside over the wedding. Harry shared a smile with her. She looked beautiful. Her hair was pulled back into a twist, with tendrils hanging down, and the blue in her dress was a shade less than her eyes, but managed to match just the same. As Harry scanned the pews at the guests, his eyes caught on Seven Of Nine. She was sitting with The Doctor and Icheb. He was suprised at the slight sinking feeling in his stomach. It was almost like a twinge of disappointment. The Wildman's were also sitting with them, and Harry speculated that anyone looking at the pew who didn't know them well would assume they were two families sharing a seat at a wedding. It made sense that they all would be sitting together, but it made Harry feel a slight pang of something, nonetheless. Seven looked radiant. Her hair was down and styled beautifully, and her lips were the color of a deep red rose. The dress she wore shimmered in the light, but didn't take away from anyone else. He assumed the Doctor had helped her choose her attire. The murmuring in the crowd stopped when B'Elanna and Chakotay appeared in the doorway. The organist began to play the traditional wedding march, and slowly, the bride and her dearest friend ascended to the expecting groom. The smile on Tom's face was one Harry had never seen before. It was as if he were seeing her again for the first time. When she joined Tom at the alter, the Captain stepped forward and the ceremony began. Log : The reception was in the messhall. Not wanting to break tradition with the wedding, none of us changed clothes. In the spirit of things, Neelix had recreated nearly every finger food he could find in the database for 20th century styled weddings. I played my clarinet in a special number my jazz band and I prepared for Tom and B'Elanna's first dance as a married couple. After that, I was let off the hook. Tom and Neelix had programmed the computer to play a set of songs for everyone to dance to if they felt the need. Tom said something about the computer being a " DJ " . Whatever that meant. Because of it, Seven and I were able to build a bridge across that rift we had.......... Everyone was having a great time. Not only was the wedding anticipated, it served as a pressure valve for the stress they'd all been feeling for the past couple of months. They cried, danced, ate, and laughed. It had been so long since they'd all laughed. Harry was snapped out of his reverie as he stood by the window watching the Captain enjoy a dance with Chakotay , when he felt a presence standing next to him. " Ensign, " Seven Of Nine greeted. " Hi Seven, " he answered, trying to sound nonchalant, " Enjoying the festivities ? " " They are different, " she allowed, " most interesting. " " But you got to admit. It's appropriate. " " Agreed. " " So, how are, " he began, but stopped himself. The last time he'd asked her how he felt, it had led to an argument. if she was standing, she was fine, " you look very nice tonight, " he said instead. " As do you. " Harry swallowed his drink slowly and deliberately. Somehow he felt spitting his drink out in front of her would cause her to join someone else's company. " Thank you. So, " he asked casually, " where's the Doctor ? " " I would assume he is engaging in conversation with another member of the crew. Or taking holo images of everything that may move even slightly." " I just thought , " he didn't finish. " Ensign ? " " I thought he was your date. " " The Doctor accompanied me to the wedding, as did Icheb. I would not call it a date. We are merely friends. As you and I are. " Harry smiled sadly, " Are we ? " " Yes, " she answered shakily. They stood quietly for a few moments, taking in the atmosphere and watching everyone enjoy the reception. Harry put his drink down at the table aside of them. It was Seven who finally broke the uncomfortable silence. " I realize when I was going through my ordeal that you were merely trying to be of assistance. Your intentions were not to, " she stopped, trying to find a way to apologize. The concept did not come naturally to her. " I'm sorry too, " Harry smiled reassuringly, " Friends , " he asked with his hand extended. " Friends, " she answered, taking his extended hand and shaking it. When their hands broke away, there was another awkward silence for a moment. Another song began to play , which he heard Tom say expressed his feelings for B'Elanna. Others were joining them on the floor in a dance. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Chakotay ask the Captain to dance again. As they headed to the dance area, Harry resolved to act. " What do you say, Sev, " he said as casually as possible, " would you like to dance ? " " I was beginning to wonder if you were going to ask, " she smiled slightly. " I never would have figured you for a dancer, " he said as they headed to the floor. " When the appropriate occasion calls for it I do. Also, the doctor has expressed many times that I should, socially, participate. " Harry smiled " Well, we wouldn't want to inhibit your social lessons. " As they danced to the song, Harry listened to the words intently. He could see why Tom had chosen the song. ' I know your eyes in the morning sun I feel you touch me in the pouring rain And the moment that you wander far from me I want to feel you in my arms again And you come to me on a summer breeze Keep me warm in your love and then softly leave And it's me you need to show How deep is your love ? I really need to learn Cause we're living in a world of fools Breaking us down When they all should let us be We belong to you and me I believe in you You know the door to my very soul Your the light in my deepest darkest hour You're my savior when I fall And you may not think I care for you When you know down inside That I really do And it's me you need to show How deep is your love ? I really need to learn Cause' we're living in a world of fools Breaking us down When they all should let us be We belong to you and me ' Unbeknownst to Harry and Seven, in the corner, stood the Doctor. He watched them as they danced with a pang of heaviness. Though their dance was merely a friendly one, he felt the small stirrings of sadness. Log : Tom and B'Elanna are on their honeymoon now, and everything seems to be getting back to normal on Voyager. I'm glad Seven and I made up. I hate unresolved issues. I didn't want to lose our friendship over something so minimal. In retrospect, Seven could have died. Icheb's cordical node could have failed. And what if it had ? She would have died and I would have been left with the memory of an argument. But it didn't turn out that way. I don't know what's going to happen for everybody, or even for Seven and me. Are we friends ? Are we more than that ? Will I meet and fall in love with someone else? Will she ?<< He looks at the holo image of them again >>I don't know. I guess only time will tell. << He pauses again. Fatigue had finally crawled into his body. >> End log. The End.