NEW: Three of Five 1/1 [G] VOY Title: Three of Five Author: Michael Roy Hollihan Series: Voyager Part: 1/1 Rating: [G] Summary: The Doctor thinks that a pet will help Seven of Nine. Disclaimer: Voyager is the property of Paramount, but the cat is mine, as much as they can be anyway. No reposting or distribution without prior permission. All rights not Paramount's are the author's. Archivist: Please do! @}-------- And a rose for your hard work! === === === === Three of Five Michael Roy Hollihan "Seven, you need a pet!" "Doctor, you are incorrect. I have no need of animal companionship. I am Borg." "Precisely my point. You need to learn compassion and awareness of the needs of others. A pet would be an excellent way of introducing you to these human characteristics." Seven turned on her heels and walked out of the Doctor's office. He jumped up to follow her. "Don't walk out on me! You know your relational skills are lacking, and this would be a way for you to practice and refine them." He moved to cut her off at the door. Seven stopped closely in front of him, waiting, her hands behind her back. "What do you propose?" "Well, you need an animal that is relatively self-sufficient, intelligent, and clean. How about a cat?" Seven cocked her head, "A cat?" "Yes! A haughty, arrogant pet; but ideal for you." She continued to regard him, "Why would you say that?" "Talk about the pot not recognizing the kettle... Let me talk with the Captain, and see what I can do." "Fine. Send it to me when you have secured one." She pushed past the Doctor and left. "Poor cat..." === === === === Seven was working in Astrometrics when the call came. "Seven, meet me in the shuttle bay." When she arrived, she saw Neelix talking with the Doctor, a small bundle in his hands. As she drew closer, she saw the bundle moving, and realized it was alive. Closern anpection revealed a black kitten. The Doctor turned as she approached, "Seven, meet your new companion!" Neelix held out his hands, "I got it from a trader in the market. His cat had kittens and he was glad to part with one. This one was the middle of a litter of five." Seven regarded it skeptically. It was small and black, with white markings on its forehead and throat. Its paws were white as well. The kitten looked at her and mewed. "What should I do with it?" The Doctor held out his hands, cup-fashion, "Seven, pick it up and hold it. Introduce yourself." She took the kitten from Neelix, "Introduce myself? It is incapable of understanding speech." She held the kitten up to her face and inspected it. The kitten blinked and yawned. "Yes, but it needs to hear your voice and get familiar with you." "I see. Now what?" "Take it back to Cargo Bay Two. Set up a blanket as a bed, and a dish with water. The trader gave me a bag of food for it. You'll also need a litter box," Neelix said. She continued to examine the small animal. It was curling up in her hands, trying to sleep. "Litter box? Does this creature create trash?" Her hands could pick up a small vibration coming from the kitten. "It creates waste. The box is to contain it," the Doctor said. "It already knows how to use it? That seems odd..." "No, Seven, you'll have to teach it. But it will learn quickly." The Doctor reached out to stroke the kitten behind the ears. The vibrations got stronger, so that she could now hear them. She could see the small fur ball swell and contract with its steady breathing. "And all this will teach me how to relate to humans better? Your reasoning is flawed, Doctor." He could only smile. "We'll see." === === === === Later that day, after she had set up the water dish and litter box, and listened to the Doctor's explanations of how it worked, she stood watching the kitten. It sat on the floor of Cargo Bay Two watching her. "You will need to occupy yourself. I must return to the Astrometrics Lab." Seven walked to the door, and out into the corridor. The kitten trotted along behind her, meowing. When it saw the corridor carpet, it fell over and began rolling around, purring loudly. "It's true! Seven has a pet!" Seven turned to look around. Harry Kim walked over and scooped up the kitten. It tried to swat his fingers. "So, Seven, how do you like your cat?" "It has tried to follow me. I need to return it to the cargo bay." "It's cute. Have you named it, yet?" He was petting it as it tried to grab a finger. "Does it require a designation?" "Well, everyone names their pet. He'll learn to recognize his name eventually." "I see," she said. "This one was the third of a five-unit, so I shall name it Three of Five." Harry looked at her, a laugh behind his eyes. "It figures. You would give it a Borg designation." The kitten was trying to climb up Harry's sleeve. Seven plucked it from him, with difficulty. The kitten mewed petulantly. It tried to get out of her hands, until it saw the implants on her left hand. Then it began to gnaw them and pick at them with its paws. "Me, I prefer dogs, like the Captain. But a cat seems the perfect pet for you, Seven." "You are the second person to say that. Explain." "You'll see..." Harry continued down the corridor, so she took Three of Five back to the cargo bay. It tried to scramble out her hands. The tiny claws surprised her, and the kitten fell to the floor. It yowled on landing, shot an angry glance at her, and then proceeded to lick its paws. "You do not appear to be injured. Remain in this position." Three seemed not to hear her and continued its cleaning. Seven started to leave again. Three jumped onto her suit, landing just below her knee, meowing. Seven looked at it, trying to climb up her leg. She removed it, bringing Three to her face. Three mewed. "Your behavior is inappropriate. Must I restrain you?" Three mewed again, then started purring. Seven found the sensation oddly pleasant. She continued to hold Three a little longer. === === === === That evening, after her shift, Seven returned to the cargo bay. "Three of Five?" Far off in a corner, came a small neow. Seven walked back behind one of the regenerators, following the sound. High up, she saw Three sitting on the connecting conduit. It was looking down, wide-eyed, and mewing constantly. "You do not need to continue with that noise. I am aware of your location." Seven pointed to the floor, "Three, come down from there. You will damage the circuitry." Three didn't budge, only mewing louder. Seeing that Three appeared stranded, Seven began to climb the regenerator. Before she was able to get hold of Three, he ran down her out-stretched arm, over her back, and down to the floor. "Why could you not do that before I climbed up here?" Three trotted over to his water dish, and began lapping. Seven followed and stood over him. Three began licking his paw and washing his face "How did the Doctor come to the conclusion that you would be beneficial to me?" Satisfied that Three was safe, Seven went over to her computer console and began work. A few minutes later, she heard a soft mewing at her feet. Three was looking up at her. He began to scrunch up his hindquarters, shuffling back and forth. Suddenly, he leapt up onto the console. Seven raised her eyebrows, surprised at the kitten's strength. Three walked around the console, looking at the lights and buttons. At a blinking light, he stopped and started swiping at it. Three got down on his belly, ears tilted forward, legs pulled up, and watched the light. He suddenly leaped on it. Half the console changed layout, and various alarms went off. Seven picked up Three, and with her free hand cleared the console. Again, she held Three to her face. He looked at her eyes, and then at the implant on her temple. He reached out with his left paw and swiped at it. She watched him dispassionately. Three began to purr again. Seven, remembering how Harry had petted Three earlier, tried to repeat the gesture. Three began purring louder. The more she petted him, the louder the purring got. She held Three to her chest, and found the sensation thrilling. She stayed that way for a long time. === === === === At her customary time, she returned to her regeneration chamber. Three walked with her. She positioned herself and began the sleep procedure. Three curled up at her feet. Seven looked at the kitten. It seemed very comfortable there. Not knowing what to do, she said, "Goodnight, Three." Three looked back up at her and meowed softly. Then, like his mistress, he went to sleep. The End.