NEW: Resistance is Feline 1/1 [PG] VOY Title: Resistance is Feline Author: Michael Roy Hollihan ( Series: VOY (Yup, another Three of Five story) Part: 1/1 Rating: [PG] Summary: Litter-box training teaches Seven new lessons about resistance! Disclaimer: Star Trek, Voyager, and its characters are the property of Paramount. This story and the character of Three of Five are mine. This work is not intended for profit. All rights not Paramount's are mine. No reposting or distribution without prior consent. Archivist: Please do! @}--------- And a rose for your hard work. ================== Dear Reader, Well, I give in. So many of you seemed to enjoy "Three of Five" that I had to write something more. Audience demand was good enough to cause Doyle to bring Holmes back from death, and it brings you another cat story. If you enjoy this, please let me know. Mike Hollihan Memphis, TN (Remove the NOT when hitting REPLY) ================== Resistance is Feline Michael Roy Hollihan As Seven of Nine walked into Cargo Bay Two she stepped in something squishy. The smell immediately told her what it was. "Three of Five! Come here!" From his usual perch atop Regenerator Station Two, Three opened his eyes, examined Seven, and began a leisurely stretch-and-yawn. He made his way over to Seven and began to rub himself against her leg. "It is not necessary to scent-mark me again. I still retain the odor you gave me this morning." Three meowed and continued his work. "Unlike the other humans on this ship, I do not mistake this behavior as 'friendliness.'" Three sniffed the mess on Seven's boot. Then he sat down and looked up at her. "Yes, this is yours, Three of Five. Follow me and I will show you what you should do with it." She walked over to a corner of the cargo bay, to a small plastic box filled with litter. She scraped her boot off on the side. "Computer, identify all cat feces and urine in the cargo bay not in the litter box." "There are four." "Initiate a site-to-site transport to remove them to the litter box." A moment later, there were several small lumps in the litter box. Three blinked, and sniffed them. He reached a paw into the box and scratched at them. Then he walked away. Seven watched his apparent unconcern. "At least you know where they belong." === === === === Later that evening, as she worked at her console, Seven also maintained a close eye on Three. Mostly he napped at the edge of her console, having learned at last not to walk across it. But there came a time when he got up, jumped to the floor, and began to sniff around. Seven recognized this behavior, and watched him carefully. When he turned and began to arch his back, Seven swooped over and snatched him up. She strode over to the litter box and dropped Three into it. Three looked at Seven, meowed angrily, and waited. Seven continued to stand over him, waiting also. The standoff continued until Three leapt from his litter box and went into a corner. Seven called out to him, "You will need to eliminate at some point, and I shall see that you do it here." She heard a meow from the corner. Seven returned to her work, continuing to divide her attention between it and Three. When he showed signs again, Seven walked over to him and watched. Three gave her a slit-eyed, haughty glare and kept sniffing around. Seven tried to be patient as she followed him. Three began pawing, and Seven picked him up, carrying him to the litter box again. This time, she walked away and tried not to watch him as he did his business. Three finished, sniffed the results, and covered it with litter. When he returned to her console, Seven scratched him behind his ears. Three began to purr. "You have done well, Three of Five." Three rolled over on his back while keeping his neck in Seven's fingers, and started writhing. === === === === The next morning, when Seven awoke in her regeneration chamber, the first thing she noticed was the smell. Since she had set the computer to automatically transport all wastes from the litter box one minute after Three left it, that only meant one thing. She looked to the sleeping black kitten at her feet. "Three of Five, you are not behaving appropriately." Three extended his front legs and lifted his back end, stretching. He then sat down and began washing himself, oblivious to her. Seven located the offending smell and had the computer remove it. She then called the Captain, "Captain, I need some time off. For a... personal matter." "Seven, are you OK? How much time do you need?" Janeway replied. "I am fine, Captain. I should only need the morning. A waste generator is in need of some... fine-tuning." The confusion was clear in the Captain's voice, "Fine, Seven. Let me know when you return to duty." "Thank you, Captain." Seven looked to Three. "Now we shall begin." Three trotted off to await breakfast. === === === === Seven went to her computer console and called up some design schematics from her Borg database. She examined one in particular and made some modifications. When she was satisfied that it met her current needs, she had the computer replicate it. A small black band, with two glowing indicator lamps on a silver pendant, appeared on her desk. She took the necklace and set out to put it on Three. She had little trouble picking Three up, but when she tried to attach the band he began to struggle. "Resistance is futile. You will wear this band until you have learned." After she had closed it, he continued to scratch at it and tried to pry it off with his back paws. His yowling was pitiful and angry at the same time. Seven watched his contortions with calm. Three seemed to give up, and ran off. After a few minutes she heard a small, high-pitched buzz followed by a higher-pitched scream. Three came running at full speed from around some equipment, straight for Seven. He looked at her and cried. "You will continue to receive shocks until you use your litter box. It will not shock you as long as you use the proper facilities." Three rubbed his head all over her arms and chest. The rest of the morning was trying for Seven and terrifying for Three. Seven finally gave up and went to see the Doctor. It was he who had first demanded she get a cat. Seven entered Sickbay with Three in her arms giving out a long strangled cry. "Seven, what's wrong with Three?" the Doctor asked. "He has failed to learn proper use of the litter box. I fashioned this device to encourage him. It will give him a shock every time he tries to eliminate any place other than his litter box. However, it does not appear to be working." "That's an understatement! You should be using discipline, not torture. Remove it immediately, Seven." Yielding to the Doctor, reluctantly so, Seven reached to take off the black band. Three spit and scratched at her, but she succeeded. The Doctor treated her wounds. Three got a quick going-over with a tricorder. "Three of Five is not a drone, Seven. It's a cat. Your methods are too extreme. You need something less... lethal." "What do you recommend, Doctor?" Seven looked around for Three, who had run off somewhere. "I don't know. Try the Captain. She used to have dogs; she might know." The Doctor wrinkled his nose, "And clean up what your cat just did." === === === === Seven remembered a conversation she had had with Tuvok, in which he mentioned the great aversion cats had for water. After a little research, she was able to replicate a water-filled pistol. She took a few practice shots at the wall. Her aim was, of course, perfect. Three sat to the side, watching with keen curiousity, and possibly a little suspicion. Seven returned to her computer console and her work, the water pistol in a holster at her side. She once again watched Three as he walked through his territory, sniffing and looking, checking on things. It only took a little while after breakfast for her to see Three change the intensity of his walk. When he started to crouch, Seven swiftly drew her pistol and expertly fired. Three yowled and leapt three feet into the air. He spun around, looking for his attacker, claws extended. When he saw nothing, he looked at Seven, who was calmly watching him. Then he sat down and washed himself where he was hit, nervously watching his surroundings. Seven allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction. Unfulfilled in his need, Three began to look around. Seven had to quietly follow him behind the regeneration chambers. When we pawed the ground, Seven fired again. She hit him squarely in his backside. Three yowled even louder and ran for his perch. He lay there, head between his outstretched paws, coldly examining everything in Cargo Bay Two, tail switching angrily. It only took two more water warnings for Three to finally try his litter box. Seven waited for him to return to her console, and then scratched his head and belly. Three mock-fought her hands and writhed in pure mammalian pleasure. Seven had to admit that she enjoyed these moments as well. Following lunch, she again waited and was pleased to see Three make for the litter box. She also observed him urinating in it. Pleased that he seemed to have learned, Seven returned to duty. Three was washing his paws and face when Seven left. He completed his task and looked to the door. Then he calmly walked over to Seven's regeneration chamber... and peed on it. THE END