Title: Massage Rating: R (language, and some "suggestive" stuff) Author: Baby Borg [Lea Cohodas] Email: queen_of_the_borg@fcmail.com Description: Exactly what the title says. Seven and Harry relieve a little tension. Note: I don't care if you like it or hate it, feedback is welcome. Just don't tell me oh-so righteously that the *real* Harry or Seven wouldn't do this. To those people, remember, this is fanfic, they are fictional characters. Enjoy! "Seven, could you help me realign the dilithium matrix?" Whatever B'Elanna Torres was expecting to hear as a reply, it most certainly was not the sharp bark from below. "I am busy!" A highly irritated Borg was a force to be reckoned with, and Seven hoped that the Lieutenant knew this. "Seven of Nine, you are addressing a superior officer!" Torres was about to deliver the speech about protocol and rank and whatnot, but then remembered her intense desire to smash Janeway's face in every time she had heard it. Instead she softened her tone a bit, her own weariness preventing her from pursuing the argument. "It's okay, Seven. I can do it myself. Next time, try to be a little more polite?" "Understood." Seven felt her shoulder muscles bunch even more tightly when she heard Torres' reply. It was a simple affirmative, nothing to get upset about, but Seven did not like it. Did not like Torres. The half-Klingon woman represented everything Seven couldn't have. She had friends, she had power. She was comfortable in social situations as well as on the battlefield, or tinkering with the warp core. Seven despised her because every time she saw Torres, Seven was reminded of what she had lost. Not only the comfort and efficiency of the Collective, but the warm, loving life that had been callously ruined by the Borg. Seven hated the Borg. Seven hated the Borg. She no longer pined for them. Her loneliness had been replaced by a pure, unsullied rage that possessed her day and night. They had killed her, in essence. With a shriek of rage and a few choice Klingon curses, picked up from Torres when the warp core wouldn't cooperate, Seven flung her tricorder against the wall of the Jefferies tube she was working in. It rebounded, of course, and she knew even before she felt the pain that the instrument had a 98% chance of rebounding directly back to where it had been thrown. Which, incidentally, was exactly the space that Seven's forehead was occupying. This time the curses were not so eloquent. She had learned them from Paris. "That fucking hurt! You stupid piece of shit! You little shit-eating--" Seven broke off her tirade when she realized that she was talking to an inanimate object that was certainly not going to respond. It beeped of course. It always did, for some reason or another. This time is indicated that she had slightly elevated blood pressure and heart rate. Not fucking surprising. Seven was shocked to realize how quickly the habit had formed. She had cursed intentionally a few times and it had become instinctive. Evidently another idiosyncrasy of the fucked-up human psyche. And there it was again. Luckily, Seven knew not to try any of that in front of the Captain. Or while on duty with anyone over an Ensign. Luckily, Jefferies tubes were sound proofed. Her shoulder twitched with yet another muscle spasm. She grunted in pain. She would have to ask the doctor about this. Perhaps he could prescribe a muscle relaxant. She eased her way out of the tube and into Main Engineering. She was nearly out the door when Lieutenant Torres' eagle-eye spotted her hasty departure. "Seven, where are you going?" Even her light, friendly tone grated on Seven's already frayed nerves. "I must report to Sickbay, I am damaged." Tense muscles weren't exactly damage, but she was not functioning are her peak efficiency with them distracting her. B'Elanna studied the girl closely, and noted that an egg-sized lump was forming on her forehead. She had probably hit her head on her way out of the tube. And she certainly didn't seem happy about it. "Okay, Seven, but could you give this to Harry when you pass astrometrics?" The Engineer handed Seven a PADD. Seven nodded. * * * Once in the corridor, Seven allowed herself to slump tiredly against the wall. A crewman walked by and she straightened her shoulders to military attention. Astrometrics was only a short walk away, and undoubtedly Ensign Kim would be thrilled to have her stop by. At least someone's day would be brightened. She felt unreasonably satisfied in bringing joy to another. It was remarkable how pain could make you more human. Harry Kim's day was going roughly as well as Seven's. He too had injured himself out of sheer stupidity. He had also worked up enough tension in his back that he was afraid that he would snap if someone tried to talk to him. Then he smelled it. Sweet, fresh, and very subtle. It could only be one thing. Her. His mood lightened immeasurably just by the proximity of the former Borg. Unfortunately, it only increased his tension. As much as he liked Seven, he really wasn't in the mood for another Borg/Human efficiency vs. emotion debate. They were just too tiring. "What can I do for you, Seven?" He injected as much false cheer as he could into his voice. "You needn't do anything for me, Ensign. I have brought data on the amount of dilithium left in the matrix. Lieutenant Torres wants you to scan for planets with deposits." She looked down, "But first you must get the laceration on your hand repaired. It could become infected." He sighed, there was almost a note of caring in her voice, "It's okay, Seven, it's not bad." She looked at the injured limb once more, "On the contrary, Ensign, it is approximately six centimeters long, and three centimeters deep. By the Doctor's medical texts, that constitutes a visit to Sickbay. It is also bleeding profusely, you must conserve your fluids. I am going to Sickbay as well, as I have injured myself. You will come with me." It was more of a command than a request. And Ensign Kim had no choice but to obey. * * * "Good morning! In what pointless escapade have you injured yourselves this time? Saving the ship again?" The Doctor's irritating sense of humor was more than either of them could take, and they nearly doubled over with the pain in protesting muscles. "Hmmm....Contusion on the forehead........Laceration of the hand......All done!" He ran the regenerator over the wounds as he diagnosed them. He held up the tricorder, "This is interesting, excessively high tension levels for both of you. I would recommend a massage." Harry paled visibly at the thought of the Doctor's steely, cold hands clamping around his already aching muscles, "Is there some alternative? I don't want to stay in Sickbay for a massage, Doc." The hologram snorted, "You seriously think I am going to waste my valuable time and experience on a few sore necks? Of course not! But what I am doing is reserving holodeck time so that you and Mademoiselle de Neuf can massage each other." He chuckled quietly at his own humor. Seven of Nine gritted out through clenched teeth, "Doctors should not be funny." "I agree." That from Harry. The Doctor appeared out numbered but still managed a few more sarcastic remarks as he shooed them out of Sickbay and into the holodeck, initiating program 'anti-stress-one'. He then ushered them into the separate dressing rooms and gave them terry robes to wrap around themselves. They emerged, Harry slightly embarrassed, and the Doctor lay Seven out face-down on the table, he pulled her arms out of the sleeve and rolled the robe down until it covered only her lower-body. Only the Doctor's truly unarousing presence kept Harry from embarrassing himself. "Okay, just position your hands here," The Doctor directed Harry, "And rub in a circular--" The Doctor was rudely interrupted by an irritated Ensign Kim. "I know how, Doc. I've done this before." He placed his hands on the smooth, soft skin of her shoulders and gently rubbed at the tension. The Doctor, in a surprisingly human moment of consideration, took this as a cue to leave. * * * Seven of Nine was experiencing a strange sensation. Instead of tension building steadily, and painfully, in her muscles, it was being kneaded away. An unexpected gift-- and from Kim, no less!--. Her shoulders and neck were now pliable putty under his strong hands, and she pressed her face against the wood of the table. Moving down her back methodically, not missing one muscle, he reached the small of her back. Those wonderful hands took a return trip, and all too soon, he was done. "All finished, Seven. Feel better?" Harry had been luxuriating in the feel of her soft skin-- so sweet and warm-- when he had realized that he had nowhere to go. He was done, finished, Kaput. There wasn't a spot on her back that was no thoroughly relaxed, and unless he wanted to go lower-- not a very gentlemanly thing to do-- he had to stop. The up side of this being that now it would be him who was without stress. "The Doctor's prescription for treatment of an excess of tension proved effective as well as pleasant. I will now do the same for you." With that she pushed him none-to-gently onto the table, and began the procedure. Any fear Harry might have had about an unexpected bout of Borg strength crushing his back was instantly dispelled by her firm, but gentle touch. She worked slowly down, stopping in the middle of his back to work on a few tough knots. Seven looked at the golden expanse of skin beneath her fingertips. Ensign Kim proved to be well muscled and firm under his uniform. She was using different pressures, trying her palms, the backs of her hands, and her knuckles against his skin. Learning him, in essence. What techniques provoked the best responses, what hurt him, what he liked. Alas, soon she reached the small of his back. She had gathered by the way her massage had ended that it was not customary to move below that level, and so she reluctantly traced her 'steps' back to his shoulders. She had stopped. It took Kim a few minutes to break out of the near-trance her unexpectedly talented hands had put him in. As he stood and turned toward her, he saw the undeniably human look on her face. She was happy-- very happy-- and quite at ease with him. He decided it was finally time to make his move. "So, Seven, would you like your front massaged too?" THE END (C'mon, if I hadn't stopped, this would have gone way beyond PG-13)